Saturday, 11 January 2014

Week One Review

Week 1 - 4/1/14 to 10/1/14

Start Weight - 81kg
End Weight - 79.5kg
Loss - 1.5kg

Calorie Intake and Exercise 

Saturday 4th - Food: 1382 kcal / Exercise: 300 kcal (Tweety's Circuit 1)
Sunday 5th - Food: 1395 kcal / Exercise: 200 kcal (swimming)
Monday 6th - Food: 1460 kcal / Exercise: 300 kcal (quick circuit)
Tuesday 7th - Food: 1006 kcal / Exercise: 0
Wednesday 8th - Food: 1172 kcal / Exercise: 532 kcal (Tweety's Circuit 2)
Thursday 9th - Food: 1477 kcal / Exercise: 735 kcal (Work Circuits Class by Lydia)
Friday 10th - Food: 1799 kcal / Exercise: 668kcal (Weights session)

Thoughts in the week:
I am extremely pleased with the first week to be honest. I am targeting 0.5kg a week so had an amazing week by losing 1.5kg! 8 days without chocolate, bread and alcohol and a very good diet overall. I exercised 6 days out of the 7, which I know won't always be possible because I was quite tired by Friday but I will be giving it a good go!
Friday Nights are my treat nights so this was the only day I went over my calorie target of 1400 kcal but a considerable amount. I really earned my treat this week and I had a Lemon Meringue Pie which tasted extremely good!
The exercise I did was mostly in a circuit format however it was different exercises each time and a weights programme created by Lydia at The Training Shed. I also walked to work 4 our of 5 days, at good pace so I raise my heart rate.
My heart rate monitor has sparked a great excitement in me to see what I burn during workout sessions. I also wore the monitor for a whole day on Friday to see what my resting heart rate currently is and how many calories are burnt. Which was quite interesting and I will add as a separate post.

Below are a set of photos which show my body from all sides so in a few weeks hopefully there will be a clear change for the better! And next week I'll be adding my body fat into the mix once it has been done at The Shed.

Photos, all round view:

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