So I get out of bed at 6:50am, hop (sometimes literally) straight in the bathroom, go to the toilet, I have a shower and get dressed. (I do dry off before donning clothes otherwise as it would be a bit odd)
Next the kettle is on, I am a big tea lover! I like it strong with very little milk. Whilst the kettle is boiling and the tea brewing I get my porridge ready. Two minutes later and my breakfast is ready.
I find porridge is a great way to start the day, it keeps me full a lot longer and I don't snack as much! But you do need to make sure you have plain oats with semi skimmed or skimmed milk and not the sachets because they are just filled with sugar!!!
I watch the news, eat my porridge and savour my first cuppa of the day before cleaning my teeth and putting my make-up on and getting lunch together.
For Lunch I try to be most prepared as possible and make sure it is something I am going to enjoy because this means I will definitely eat and be satisfied for longer afterwards. It also prevents me from buying naughty things from Tesco which is only a short walk away.
With my lunch ready and in my rucksack, I get my coat on and leave the house at 8:10am.
I am currently walking to work. It is a great start to the day and it saves on petrol which isn't cheap!
I arrive at work approximately 15 minutes later, after a speedy walk I am ready for a glass of water and another cuppa so by 8:35am ish I am ready to get working.
I work in an office and sit at my computer all day, looking at spreadsheets and our website mostly but occasionally I go to some meetings which is always fun!
Mid-morning I had a Special K cereal bar which is 89 calories with a cup of tea.
Mid-morning I have a small snack which I try to keep around 100 calories which is a cereal bar, or seeds or a piece of fruit.
I try to have lunch between 12:30pm and 1pm so I am actually hungry!
And here is my lunch for today:
A salmon potion, cous cous, mixed salad leaves and cucumber with a bit of chilli mayo.
With lunch taken care of I get back to work, looking at more web pages, tackling last minutes changes and all sorts of fun and games.
By 5pm I am ready for home, I finish what I am doing which I find is a best way to keep track of where I am up to and I love ticking things off my to-do list! I get my stuff together and headphones in ready for the walk home.
Not only is it good for my health, walking home allows me to get stop thinking about my work day so if it's been bad I can get rid of it and move on to what I have planned for the evening or what I want to do at the gym.
If I am going to the gym I go straight after work so I don't get comfy in my chair, so I get changed into suitable gear including put my heart rate monitor and grab my water bottle. I live 2 minutes from The Training Shed so I walk along the road and get started.
Tonight my workout was as follows:
Clean & Press with 20kg bar x 10
Basketball Jumps x 20
Chest Flies with 7kg weight x 10
Ski Jumps x 40
Chest Press with 20kg x 10
Squat Jumps x 10
Oblique Flies with 5kg ball x 30
Skipping without a rope x 75
Each section repeated three times.
I worked out for 55 minutes and burnt 506 calories!
The best part of a litre of water later I'm home again and ready for food.
Tonight I am had:
Half of Spinach and Ricotta Connelloni with mixed salad leaves, cucumber, yellow pepper and grated carrots with a bit of lighter than light mayo.
Doesn't it look good? And there is enough for tomorrow's lunch as well! Winner!!!

And after all that I am in my lounge pants watching random telly and enjoying a green tea with lemon.
I have switched to Green Tea with Lemon in the evening as I sleep a lot better and I definitely need it at the moment as I am doing so much but it is all doing me good!
I think it's about time I went to bed! Have a great rest of the week and I will review week 3 at the weekend, I'm hoping for another great week on the weight loss front!
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