Sunday 19 April 2015

Tweety's Sunday food prep - take 2

Here we are again, Sunday evening! I am delighted to say the sun is still shining and I am feeling motivated, positive and inspired all in one!

This week I have really found that having everything ready to go really did help me stay on track, stay motivated and I haven't felt hungry at all! I saved so much time but having everything ready and it allowed me to stay focused! So much so I doing it all over again!

This week I am going for the same effect! I have done my food shopping and it is just about 6pm and everything is ready and raring for the week.

In the bag this week:

  • Chicken thighs
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Salad
  • Cucumber
  • Thin beef steaks
  • Banana chips
  • Cashews
  • Apples
  • 4 peppers
  • Caribbean jerk spice mix

Breakfast - Raspberry porridge,Lunch - Steak and Salad and Apple Dinner - Trinidad Curry Chicken and Veg,
 Snack -  Banana chips and cashews

I felt it didn't take as long this week, I knew what I needed to go and I had everything ready to go. 

Measured out my snack pots, cooked my dinner dish and cooked the steaks ready to go in the lunch tray then made the first one up and gathered the breakfast together.

I tried something new for dinners this week, Trinidad Curry Chicken, I was inspired by Friday night out with the girls from work. I had an amazing Curry Chicken in Turtle Bay and I wanted to try to do it myself. Obviously it won't be anything like that because it was incredible but a girl can try... see what I did the following post!

And here is the exercise plan for the week:

Well enjoy your week and let me know if you have done your own prep! 

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