Thursday 9 April 2015

Tweety's Beef and Vegetable mash up!

After a trip to a weekly club that just measures progress on weight, I am feeling inspired to get myself in shape but I will stop getting hung up on what the scales say. I am training at least 3 times a week, I'm fueling my body with the right things and I'm loosing inches where it matters!

So inspiration has created the below Beef and Vegetable mash up!!!

This little baby is completely made up this evening and is quite tasty!!!

1 courgette, 2 peppers, 1 head of broccoli, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 pack of lean beef, red pesto and not pictured a can of chopped tomatoes
So heat up your pan and a bit of your chosen oil, I used coconut oil. Throw the beef in and fry for 3-4 minutes until browned on the outside and add the courgette and peppers and fry for 6-7 minutes.
In the meantime, steam the broccoli in the mircowave, I have these magic bags which work wonders (I will let you know where they are from another time) and once that is done add it to the pan.
The mircowave the sweet potato for a couple of minutes so it is softened and then add to the pan.

Steamed Broccoli! 
Once everything is in the pan, stir fry for a few minutes until everything is cooked, add the chopped tomatoes and pesto and then after another 5 minutes or so it is ready!

And there is enough to lunch and dinner tomorrow so I will continue to enjoy my new creation then hehehehe!  

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