Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tweety's Wednesday dinner

Just wanted to share this, it has been a busy couple of weeks but taken the time to sit and enjoy this beauty!!
Salmon, broccoli, sweet potato and wholemeal cous cous with a bit of salad cream!!
Right back to it!!!

Tweety's thought of the day

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tweety's Spartan Challenge - Day 1

Day 1 complete! 

I felt my shins hurt for the first time in a long time when running as I was really pushing the sprint but I mostly I felt good during the sprints and it wasn't too hard apart from my shins and I completed it so I am really pleased!

Bring on day 2!

Tweety's 30 day Spartan Challenge - pre testing

I haven't done a challenge for a while so I thought I would give this one a go when it came through on email a couple of weeks ago and I have finally got myself organised to start.  I am planning on doing this as well as my normal training because I am training for a 10km race and although it will help I need to get the runs in. Its going to get tough though! 

So last Thursday (30th April) I completed the pretesting and the results are below:

1. Max Pull up or dead hang time - DHT 17secs (can't currently do pull ups)
2. Burpee test - 50 in 5 mins
3. Run (1 mile) - 9mins 15secs

Sunday 26 April 2015

Tweety's Quorn Chicken and cous cous mix

This is another recipe I have made up because it combines I bit of what I fancy, something I like and a couple of new bits. I haven't had kale before so wanted to see if it was something I like and would eat. and Quorn Chicken Pieces. As it says in big letters on the packet they are a healthy source of protein but want do they taste like? Only one way to find out?

Quorn chicken pieces, 2 peppers, curly kale, tandoori spice, a tin of chopped toms (not pictured) and cous cous packets.
 I started by heating up the oil and throwing in the quorn pieces, they are frozen so it took about 10 minutes or so to see that they were all on their way to being cooked.

I chopped up the peppers as the quorn pieces cooked but before adding them to the pan, I added a couple of teaspoons of the spice to the quorn pieces and made sure they were all coated. I then added the peppers. I stir fried them all together for a few minutes.

Then emptied the cous cous packets into a bowl, boiled the kettle and left the cous cous to do it's magic.

Once the peppers were on their way I added the kale to the mix. After a few minutes the kale starts reducing and I decided it was looking a bit dry so added a tin of chopped tomatoes which solved it a treat! 

Lastly when everything was cooked, I added the cous cous which was now fluffy to the pan and mixed everything together! 

And there you have it a tasty mix of goodness for lunches next week!!

Tweety's Sunday Prep - Here we go on number 3!

I didn't have a great week food wise last week! I eat some extra things when I didn't need them, I lost my resolve a bit and even had a takeaway! I think this may have been in part because I didn't like the dinner recipe I made last week, it didn't go as well as I had expected and I was reluctant to eat it which didn't help me at all! It has been a while since I had a takeaway, I enjoyed it but I think it will be even longer til the next time but I am a little disappointed I carved that far because I was doing so well!

My exercise on the other hand has been very good, I did a PB at the parkrun, ran around pitsford, did my first TRX twisted class and two sessions in one day!

But that was last week and today is a new one!! I am going to get firmly back on the wagon and follow the track to success.

This week is going to be awesome.. how do I know? because I say so! 

Breakfasts - Raspberry porridge 
Lunches - Quorn chicken, peppers, kale, tandoori spice and cous cous
Snacks - pumpkin and sunflower seeds and bananas
Dinners - Thai Green Curry and rice

Thai Green Curry is fast becoming my favourite recipe and I really enjoy cooking it!

I saw this image earlier in the week and it feels very relevant today...

Saturday 25 April 2015

Tweety's first Parkrun

Today I headed off to Welland Park in Market Harborough to take part in mine and Market Harborough's first official Parkrun!!!

There was an excellent turnout and the sun was shining ready for the start!

I would say I am still new to running and I talk to myself a lot to keep myself going when I run as I want to stop all the time even when I know I can run a 5km now!! But I am pleased to say I am getting better at the motivation speech and I ran a personal best today!!!!