This is another recipe I have made up because it combines I bit of what I fancy, something I like and a couple of new bits. I haven't had kale before so wanted to see if it was something I like and would eat. and Quorn Chicken Pieces. As it says in big letters on the packet they are a healthy source of protein but want do they taste like? Only one way to find out?
Quorn chicken pieces, 2 peppers, curly kale, tandoori spice, a tin of chopped toms (not pictured) and cous cous packets. |
I started by heating up the oil and throwing in the quorn pieces, they are frozen so it took about 10 minutes or so to see that they were all on their way to being cooked.
I chopped up the peppers as the quorn pieces cooked but before adding them to the pan, I added a couple of teaspoons of the spice to the quorn pieces and made sure they were all coated. I then added the peppers. I stir fried them all together for a few minutes.
Then emptied the cous cous packets into a bowl, boiled the kettle and left the cous cous to do it's magic.
Once the peppers were on their way I added the kale to the mix. After a few minutes the kale starts reducing and I decided it was looking a bit dry so added a tin of chopped tomatoes which solved it a treat!
Lastly when everything was cooked, I added the cous cous which was now fluffy to the pan and mixed everything together!
And there you have it a tasty mix of goodness for lunches next week!!