Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Catch Up and Review

Wow it has been an entire month since I wrote a blog post! So be prepared this is going to be a bumper addition!

A lot has happened in the last month, 1 anniversary has passed, 1 funeral attended, 2 trips to London, 2 walks in the sunshine, 2 leaving do's attended, 4 Ashtanga yoga sessions,  16 workout sessions and helped on a community project.

Review of Week's Eight, Nine, Ten and Eleven

It has been a difficult time over the last few weeks and I had to make a choice between getting myself through the days or focusing on my eating and I choose getting myself through the days, using techniques I got my counselor last year and things I have learnt about myself along the way (which I can tell you has been a lot). I did still workout as much as I could which is a big plus because I could so easily have just sat and watched TV and wasted time but I did something productive which I know my Uncle would be pleased about.

There were two weeks were I didn't log every day which I was disappointed about because I had got to a 65 day streak but moving on... I am back on the plan now!I haven't got a table to the calories I have eaten and burnt for this addition but not I am back on the plan I will get back to doing it.
I have let chocolate and bread back into my diet and the bread isn't doing me any good what so ever! My insides just don't like and I think I will just stop eating it altogether, it's not worth the upset! Although I have let chocolate back in I am trying to make sure it is less than it was before otherwise the 8 weeks without did nothing! 

I have given up tea for lent, yeah I know crazy right but I have given up chocolate, sweets and bread in previous years so for it to continue being a real challenge (which is the point) Tea was the next step. So to clarify I have stopped drinking normal tea and I'm only having 3 mugs of green tea with lemon a day so this is a real reduction in the amount I was consuming before. I had a headache for about a week but it finally went and I feel loads better, but green tea just isn't the same and I can see why tea is so popular! oh well only 25 days left to go!! (I'm not counting or anything)

And finally I got my Body Fat tested tonight and wait for it....... (drum roll if you like be creative, I just used my hands on the table in between typing)

So when I got it tested on 21st January:

Body Fat: 152.6 / 28%

And today, 26th March it is:

Body Fat: 115 / 23.2%

That is a reduction in body fat of 4.8% in 9 weeks! Incredible!!! I can't really believe how well I have done, it has given a renewed focus to carry on and get to my goal!

Oh one more thing I am now properly training for the Race for Life in Cleethorpes in May, I'm aiming for 5km in 30 mins. When I did my marker run as I call it to see where I am starting from and I ran last year's race pace of 36:30 mins which is a great result and makes my target even more achievable! 
And another drum roll I think (try something different from last time).................................................

I am also now officially signed up for  Tough Mudder in Kettering in July! Sooooo I best keep my training up so I make it round!

So I think that brings you up to speed pretty much with what as been happening my life over the past few weeks!